Pest Management Images
Here you will find a collection of images taken by our pest control technician typically of the things you would expect to find and see every day when working as a professional pest control techncian. You will see the different types of spring traps used for different the different species of pests, as well as some of the electronic trapping devices that are sometimes used. When controlling insect infestation, we often test for insecticide resistance to keep track of what species of insect is resistent to what insecticide’s active ingredient.
The application method of controlling insect infestations is usually done either fumigation or compression spray. Although a 180 degree dry steam treatment prior to a spray treatment gives instant relief from biting insects as well as improving the success rate of control. If you would like to visit PestEx’s Pinterest channel, you can find it here. You can also find footage of professional pest management on our videos page, where you can watch video clips of pest contol in action.