Professional Mouse Control in Gloucester and Cheltenham

(Mus musculus & Apodemus sylvaticus)

Gloucester and Cheltenham Pest Control

About Mice

The Mice are a common pest here in the UK, with the house mouse and field mouse being the two most common species. The house mouse uniformly brown-grey, right down to its tail. They have small feet, big eyes and ears with a pointed snout. Its tail is almost tail and is the same length as its body. It tail is thicker and scalier than the tails of a field mouse.

The colour of a field mouse is less uniformed than a houses mouse. It has with sandy brown fur and a white to grey belly. It’s tail is approximately the same length as its head and body. Until the house mouse’s smaller feet, field mice have larger back feet which gives it a good spring when jumping.

Costly Damage

Mice can also potentially cause thousands of pounds of damage. Being a rodent, just like squirrels and rats, they have incisor teeth the continuously grow, meaning that the have to gnaw away at whatever meets their fancy. Mice will often gnaw through electrical cabling, causing power outages for appliances and lights, which can also create a fire hazard. This is why it is important to get professional mouse control in to place, before the damage has occurred. This could have you a considerable amount of money in repair bills. It could also prevent an electrical fire.

Rodent-borne Diseases

Although mice can appear cute and harmless, just like rats, mice carry and transmit deadly pathogenic micro-organisms including Salmonella and rodent-borne Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease). If the infestation is severe, it is recommended to have the infested area fumigated by a professional pest controller. This will eradicate all of the deadly rodent-borne diseases.

A house mouse climbing a cotswold wall
Two humanely dispatched field mice in break-back traps

Mouse Prevention

Proofing is consider to best method of prevention. However, in the countryside, mice are considered virtually impossible to proof against, as many of the properties are old, some with thatched roofs with and abundance of more holes and gaps. However, with modern homes, it is possible to proof a property against these tiny intruders, by sealing all of the gaps around pipework etc. Unfortuntely, mice can gain access into a propery through the smallest of holes or gaps, being able to squeeze through holes as little as 5mm. As temperatures begin to drop going into the winter months, just like rats and squirrels, mice will attempt to enter properties, exploiting the smallest of ingress points, which will require mouse control to in order to prevent the risk of damage to the property.

Mouse Control & Humane Dispatch

The prefered method of mouse control is by lethal trapping. This is because using a rodenticide may mean that if the carcass is irretrievable, the decomposing carcass may cause a foul odour. If using a rodentcide, a rodenticide such as Selontra is a non-anticoagulant, but instead contains cholecalciferol, meaning it has been approved for both house mice and field mice. Anticoagulants can only currently be used for house mice, due to the risk of secondary poisoning to non-target species, such are bird of prey.

Although mouse control with rodenticide is an option, PestEx prefers to lethal trap due, to the risk of the carcass being irretrievable and the smell a decomposing carcass emits. If you need professional mouse control, contact PestEx professional Pest Control today.

FAQs About PestEx's Humane Mouse Control

PestEx provide a humane mouse control services in Gloucester, Cheltenham and the surrounding areas. If you would like to know more on what our treatment involves, please visit our ‘Frequently Asked Questions‘ page for more information.