Professional Ant Control in Gloucester and Cheltenham


Ant Removal Services

About Ants

In the UK there are many species of ants. Some are native, whilst there are many other species that are invasive. The most common species of ant found in the UK are the inasive garden ant, the Pharaoh ant and the common black garden ant. Ants may be small creatures, but they can be an incredibly annoying pest. Although ants are commonly found on people’s patios, drives and in gardens, they can and will often find their way into people’s properties, where they will forage for a food source in order to take back to their nest. Once an ant has found a food source, it will leave a trail of pheromones to signal other ants where the food source is. This is what creates a steady stream of ants across a property’s floor.

Diseases and Human Health

Ants are not only incredibly annoying, but they also carry and transmit deadly diseases. So having an ant infestation in your property’s kitchten poses a serious risk of the foraging ants contaminating food preparation surfaces and the food iself with the following deadly diseases:

Flying ant infestation coming out from behind the kitchen's skirting board
A close-up of black garden ants

Ant Treatment

When a professional pest controller treats an ant infestation, this is usally done using an insecticide gel bait using an application gun. This insecticide gel bait contains an active ingredient that is only available to qualified pest control technicians, due to the toxicity and the risk to non-target species.

The ants which can often be seen foraging around will collect this insecticide gel bait, and take it back to their nest, which they will feed to the colony and their queen, effectively poisoning the entire nest.

Sometimes an insectide will be applied to ants nest directly, if the nest can be located and it is accessable to treat. The formulation will often be in a dry power, where it is applied using a compression spayer. The pest control technician will insert the compression sprayer’s nozzle directly into the ant’s nest, and inject the insecticide at approximately 3 bar.

Ant Prevention

Controlling ants in your home will involve removing the food source. This is done by exercising  meticulous hygiene, keeping all food in tightly sealed containers, especially sugary foods. There are a lot of products currently available to the public to help control ants, such as bait stations and ant powders, but it can often be more practical to call a professional pest controller, as they have the knowledge, expertise and professional insecticides to eradicate even the most severe ant infestations.

Other information on ants and ant prevention can be found on the BPCA’s website here.

FAQs About PestEx's Ant Treatment

PestEx provide an effective ant treatment service in Gloucester, Cheltenham and the surrounding areas. If you would like to know more on what our treatment involves, please visit our ‘Frequently Asked Questions‘ page for more information.