Professional Cockroach Control in Gloucester and Cheltenham

Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) German cockroach (Blattella germanica).

Cockroach Removal Services

About Cockroaches

Cockroaches are a common pest in the UK, with the Oriental cockroach and the German cockroach being two of the most common found in the UK. Cockroaches have a reputation of disgusting people due to being known to dwell in drains and filth. Cockroaches go through the incomplete metamorphosis life cycle, meaning that an egg hatches to a stage one nymph.

Deadly Diseases

Cockroaches are commonly known to be hazardous insect, especially within the kitchen areas, as they can carry and transmit deadly diseases such as e coli and salmonella which can contaminate both food preparation surfaces and food. A cockroach infestation can affect both residential and commercial properties. But an infestation in a commercial property such as a restaurant can be very damaging to the business’ reputation with the risk of litigation and finanical penalties from the Food Standards Agency. Upon inspection, if the FSA finds a cockroach infestation which is deemed imminent to human health, the FSA will issue a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notices (HEPN) which force the bussiness to close until the infestation has been eradicated.

Cockroaches are not only unsightly and unhygienic, but they spread an abundance of deadly diseases, as well trigger allergies. It is therefore essential to seek professional pest control to minimize the risk of a cockroach infestation. There are several methods used in eradicating a cockroach infestation, but one of the most common method is to use a gel bait, as using an insecticide residue can pose not only a rick in a food handling environment, but it will inevitably be removed when the kitchen is cleaned.

A close-up of an oriental cockroach on a white plastic background
An image of a German cockroach


To prevent cockroach infestations, meticulous hygiene must be carried out daily, taking care give coackroaches a food source to feed from. Also ensuring all leaks from applicances are repaired, as this will give cockroaches a water souce to drink from. Ensure that beneath kitchen shelving, kickboards and the floor is kept free from all food remnants. Ensure all food stuffs are both shelved and kept in air tight sealable containers.  Proofing can also prevent cockroaches entering a property. So sealing around pipes and cracks can prevent cockroach ingress points.


Treatment will involve a professional pest control technician installing cockroach monitors and applying an insecticide gel bait with an application gun, in places where the cockroaches are known to be active. Whenever possible, the technician will attempt to locate the nest to improve targeting the cockroaches. Because cockroaches are cannibalistic, they will eat poisoned cockroaches, and the poison will then go on to kill them. This is known as the domino or cascade effect. 

Insecticide residues tend not to be used as a method of treatment, as a cockroach infestation is usually in a kichen area, so the treatment will often be removed upon cleaning.